Онлайн конференция AMD по решениям для HPC | Национальный Суперкомпьютерный Форум (2024)

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Онлайн конференция AMD по решениям для HPC

Добрый день, коллеги!
15-го и 16-го июля компания AMD проводит онлайн конференцию по решениям для HPC. Детали приведены ниже.
На конференции выступят с докладами ведущие специалисты нашей компании, будет круглый стол с Марком Папермейстером и сессия вопросов и ответов.
Приглашаем Вас присоединиться к конференции и пригласить ваших заинтересованных коллег.

AMD HPC Solutions: Enabling Success Today while Laying the Foundation for Future HPC Innovations

July 15
North America
6:00am PDT / 9:00am EDT
UK 2:00pm
France | Spain | Germany
July 15
North America
9:00am PDT / 12:00pm EDT
UK 5:00pm
France | Spain | Germany

July 15
North America
6:00pm PDT / 9:00pm EDT

July 16
Hong Kong | Singapore
Japan: 10:00am
Australia: 11:00am

In this webinar, Intersect360 Research CEO Addison Snell will lead a discussion with AMD CTO and EVP Mark Papermaster and CVP John Morris around AMD’s innovative HPC solutions, and the momentum AMD has gained across the HPC community. These AMD executives will discuss the applicability of AMD’s high-performance CPU and GPU approaches in a common environment and feature set from first-time HPC adoption to the next generation of the world’s most powerful supercomputers.

In this condensed 30-minute engaging format, viewers will learn about:

  • The latest developments for the Frontier and El Capitan supercomputers
  • Pursuing open innovations in software
  • Current solutions and recent additions to AMD’s portfolio across commercial HPC and research computing

As an added benefit, you will have the opportunity to engage with our presenters in a 10-minute, live Q&A session. Come prepared with your questions to hear real-time responses. During these challenging times, we have established three options that we hope will be convenient for you to join from your region.

For those that attend, there will be an exclusive follow-up that you won’t want to miss. Tune in to learn more!

Please click the time that best suits you on the right.

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